Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Assignment Schedule

Tom Morgan’s F BLOCK Spring Syllabus
Introduction to Literature, Spring 2008

This syllabus is subject to change!
** NOTE: All question answers must be posted on your individual blog sites. These answers may not be emailed to me or written out.

***** WEEK #1 **********************************************************
For Tuesday, 4/1:
* voc. pix
*Read “Dulce et Decorum Est,” pp. 6-7; write the answer to #2
*Read “When in Rome,” pp. 33-34; write the answer to #1

For Thursday, 4/3:
*Read “Mirror,” p. 35; make a list to answer #2
*Read “Is My Team Plowing?” p. 29; write the answer to #3

For Friday, 4/4:
*Read “A Study of Reading Habits,” p. 25; write the answers to #1 and 2.

***** WEEK #2 **********************************************************
For Monday, 4/7:
*Take the poem that you have picked out and break it down as we discussed in class. Post your breakdown on your blog site.
READER: Will (Read the poem you are writing your paper on)

For Tuesday, 4/8:
*Read “A Pathedy of Manners” pp. 44-45; write the answer to #4
*Read “Cross” pp. 48-49; write the answer to #1

For Thursday, 4/10:

* Rough Draft of Paper #1 DUE

For Friday, 4/11:
*Read “We Real Cool,” p. 188; write the answer to #3.
*Read “Richard Cory” pp. 397-398 ; what are the reasons for why Richard
Cory does what he does at the end?
*Read “Good Times” p. 349; how are this family’s good times different from
the good times your family has? Explain.
READER: Stephen

***** WEEK #3 **********************************************************
For Monday, 4/14:

For Tuesday, 4/15:
*voc. pix
*Read “Meeting at Night” p. 56; draw and color the scenes described in this poem
*Hazel Tells LaVerne” pp. 141-142; write the answer to #3.
READER: Monica

For Thursday, 4/17:
*Read “Those Winter Sundays” p. 64; write the answer to #4.
*Read “Woman Work” p. 188; write the answer to #3.

For Friday, 4/18:
*Read “Out, Out -,” p. 136; break the poem down according to the eight steps. Be sure to name the overall affect of the poem and explain how the reader acheives this affect.
READER: Alex -- be ready do defend your thesis.

***** WEEK #4 **********************************************************
For Monday, 4/21:
*VOCAB. #2
*Read “Bereft” p. 71; write the answer to #1.
*Read “The Hound” pp. 70-71; break the poem down according to the eight steps. Be sure to name the overall affect of the poem and explain how the reader acheives this affect.
READER: Aaron -- be ready do defend your thesis.

For Tuesday, 4/22:
*Read “Dream Deferred” p. 87; write the answer to #1.
*Read “Song of the Powers” pp. 74-75; write the answer to #4.
READER: Griffin

For Thursday, 4/24:
*Read “To His Coy Mistress” pp. 86-87; write the answer to #3.
READER: Monica

For Friday, 4/25:
*Read “The Victims,” pp. 385-386; explain exactly who the victims are in this
poem and how you know.
*Read “Toads,” p. 82-83; write the answers to #4 and 5.

***** WEEK #5 **********************************************************
No classes Monday b/c of Family Weekend
For Tuesday, 4/29:
*Read “Barbie Doll” pp. 117-118; Make note of all figures of speech that you can find. Post these on the blog.
*Read “Ozymandias” p. 121; Break down poem. Post on blog

For Thursday, 5/1:
*vocab. pix
*Read “The Chimney Sweeper” pp. 119-120; write the answer to #1.

For Friday, 5/2:
Breakdown your poem. Then fill out "Thesis Statement Progression" sheet.

***** WEEK #6 **********************************************************
For Monday, 5/5:
*Read “Incident,” pp. 115-116; write the answer to the question on p. 116.
*Vocabulary Quiz #3

For Tuesday, 5/6:
*First Paragraph of paper with Topic sentences for body paragraphs

For Thursday 5/8:
*TEST on Poetry Unit

For Friday 5/9
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 31-43 (Thru Act I, Scene 3)

***** WEEK #7 **********************************************************
For Monday 5/12
*Paper due

For Tuesday 5/13
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 44-59 (Thru Act I, Scene 5)

For Thursday 5/15
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 65-79 (Thru Act II, Scene 3)
Griffin, Aaron, Alex pick out a passage to discuss

For Friday 5/16
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 80-94 (Thru Act II, Scene 5)

For Saturday 5/17
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 99-110 (Thru Act III, Scene 2)

***** WEEK #8 **********************************************************
For Monday 5/19
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 111-129 (Thru Act III, Scene 4)

For Tuesday 5/20
* Final Draft of paper due

For Thursday 5/22
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 135-145 (Thru Act IV, Scene 3)

For Friday 5/23
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 151-167 (Thru END)

***** WEEK #9 **********************************************************
For Sunday 5/25
*Review Session for exam

For Monday 5/26

Friday, January 4, 2008

Winter Syllabus (Jan-Feb) 2008

12. Saturday, January 5
*Read “Trifles,” pp. 321-333

13. Monday, January 7
Final revisions of news stories due

14. Tuesday, January 8
* Read “A Doll House,” pp.213-224 (where doorbell rings)
* Write in journal
* Voc. #1 Cards due

15. Thursday, January 10
* “Doll House,” pp. 224 - 234 (Helmer‘s entrance)
* Journal

16. Friday, January 11
* “Doll House,” pp. 234-244 (bottom of page)
* Journal

17. Monday, January 14
* Voc. #1 Quiz
* “Doll House,” pp. 245-254 (up to Act 3)
* Journal

18. Tuesday, January 15
* “Doll House,” pp. 254 -261 (bottom of page)
* Journal
* Voc. #2 Cards due

19. Friday, January 18
* “Doll House,” pp. 262-end
* Journal due


20. Monday, January 21
* Voc. #2 Quiz
* First paragraph of paper due. (post on blog)

21. Tuesday, January 22
* 1st paragraph of paper due
* Voc. #2 Quiz

22. Thursday, January 24
Test on “A Doll House”

23. Tuesday, January 29
Rough Draft of paper due
* Voc. #3 cards due

24. Friday, February 1

25. Saturday, February 2
NO Class. (Tom is in New York City).

26. Monday, February 4
* “The Glass Menagerie,” pp. 334 - 345
* Voc. #3 Quiz

27. Tuesday, February 5
* “The Glass Menagerie,” pp. 346 - 356

28. Thursday, February 7
* Voc. #4 cards due
* “The Glass Menagerie,” pp. 356 - 362

29. Friday, February 8
* “The Glass Menagerie,” pp. 363 - 372

30. Monday, February 11
* Voc. #4 Quiz
* “The Glass Menagerie,” pp. 372 - 381 (to bottom of page)

31. Tuesday, February 12
* Voc. #5 cards due
* “The Glass Menagerie,” pp. 382 - 389

33. Friday, February 15
* Test on "The Glass Menagerie"

34. Monday, February 18
* Bring corrected Rough Draft to class (printed out before class)

35. Tuesday, February 19
* Final Draft due (printed out before class)

36. Thursday, February 21
* “Oedipus Rex,” pp. 8 - 15 (up to Scene 2)
* Worksheets

37. Friday, February 22
* “Oedipus Rex,” pp. 16 - 25
* Worksheets

38. Saturday, February 23
* “Oedipus Rex,” pp. 27 - 39
* Worksheets
* Vocab # 5 cards

39. Monday, February 25
* “Oedipus Rex,” pp. 39 - 45 (end)
* Worksheet packet due

39. Tuesday, February 26
*Vocab#5 Quiz

40. Thursday, February 28

Monday, November 26, 2007

Course Assignments (Dec 07)

Tom Morgan’s Introduction to Literature Syllabus
Winter 2007-2008
F Block

1. Tuesday, November 27
First Class – No Homework

2. Friday, November 30
Editorial – write thesis and reasons

3. Saturday, December 1
Editorial – final draft (500 words)

4. Monday, December 3
Profile/news story — interview questions

5. Tuesday, December 4
Profile/news story – interview(s)

6. Thursday, December 6
Profile/news story – interview(s)

7. Friday, December 7
Profile/news story – final draft (600-800 words)

8. Monday, December 10
Editorial – revised paper

9. Tuesday, December 11
Profile/news story – revised paper

10. Friday, December 14

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Course Assignments (Fall 07)

F Block Syllabus – Tom Morgan’s Introduction to Literature, Fall, 2007

NOTE: The following assignments are due when you walk into class on the date specified. For example, the first assignment below must be ready to hand in as you walk into Tuesday’s class.

For Tuesday, 9/11:
Create a personal blog for class
Email me a link to your blog
Read the course website pages:
Introduction to Literature Homepage:
Introduction to Literature Syllabus:

* Vocab. pix due

For Thursday, 9/13:
* Write a 500 word essay (roughly 1-and-a-half pages) about something that happened to you or to someone you care about. The incident must have changed your attitude about something for either the better or the worse. It could be something very good or something very bad.

For Friday, 9/14:
* Read “The Most Dangerous Game,” pp. 9 - 27

For Monday, 9/17:
* Read the first 1/2 of “Hunters in the Snow,” pp. 28 - 34

For Tuesday, 9/18:
* Finish reading “Hunters in the Snow,” pp. 35 - 41.
* Write the answers to #3 on p. 41 and #7 on p. 42 (post on blog)
* Vocab. pix due

For Thursday, 9/20:
* Read “The Destructors,” pp. 53 - 66
* Answer #1 on p. 66 (post on blog)

For Friday, 9/21:
* Prepare to write your first analytical paper by reading p. 485, #1, and by
reading pp. 491 - 493 (VII - Writing In-Class Essays).

For Monday, 9/24:
*Be prepared to work on your paper in class. Be sure that you bring your
laptop, and be sure you have written your thesis statement, have found
four or five short quotations that you might use, and have an outline or
mind map of your paper’s organization.

For Tuesday, 9/25:

For Thursday, 9/27:
* Read “Everyday Use,” pp. 108 - 116
* Answer #4 on p. 116 (post on blog)
**Vocab notecards due**

For Friday, 9/28:
* Read “The Lesson,” pp. 137 - 144
* Answer the following question: Why does Sylvia have such a bad attitude
towards Miss Moore? What you think are the reasons that she treats
her the way she does?

For Monday. 10/1:
* Bring your review sheets to class and have questions to ask me about
the upcoming literature test.

For Tuesday, 10/2:
* TEST on all the stories and literary terms we have covered so far. (The
weekly vocabulary words will NOT be included on this test.)

For Thursday, 10/4:
* Native American spirituality overview.
Requires that you go to the library and take notes on Native American books.
You need to bring notes to class and be ready to teach the rest of the class what you have learned.

For Friday, 10/5:
* Read “To Take Life, To Kill” (This is a handout that I will give you.)
* Make a list of all the things in the story that would be considered “taking
life;” make a list of all the things that would be considered “killing.”
* Vocab. pix due


For Monday, 10/8:
* Read the first 1/2 of “Paul’s Case,” pp. 176 - 185 (up to the break in the

For Tuesday, 10/9:
* Finish reading “Paul’s Case,” pp. 185 - 193
* Write the answer to # 5 on p. 193.

For Thursday, 10/11:
* FINAL DRAFT of analytical paper due

For Friday, 10/12:
* Read “The Lottery,” pp. 193 - 201
* Make a chart to answer #5, p. 201
* Vocab. pix due

For Monday, 10/15:
* Vocab. Quiz #5

For Tuesday, 10/16:
* Read “Hills Like White Elephants,” pp. 210 - 214
* Write the answer to all parts of #2 on p. 214.

For Thursday, 10/18:

For Monday, 10/22:

For Tuesday, 10/23:

For Thursday, 10/25:
* Read “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” pp. 227 - 240
* Write the answer for #3 on p. 241

For Friday, 10/26:
* Vocab Cards due
* Read “A & P,” pp. 633 - 639
* Write an explanation of what you think the author means by this phrase at
the end of the story: “ ... my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard
the world was going to be to me hereafter.”

For Monday. 10/29:
* Vocab. Quiz # 6
* Read the first half of “Greenleaf,” pp. 444 - the break in the page on p.454.
*Answer the following questions on your blog: How do you feel about Mrs.
May? Do you like her? Dislike her? Feel sorry for her? Have no
sympathy for her?

For Tuesday, 10/30:
* Read the rest of “Greenleaf,” pp. 454 - 463
* Write the answer to part “a” of #5 on p. 464.

For Thursday, 11/1:
* Bring your laptops, thesis statements, quotations, and mind map/outline so
you can quickly and easily work on your analytical paper in class.

For Friday, 11/2:
* Analytical PAPER DUE

For Saturday, 11/3:
* Read “You Can’t Take It With You,” p. 5-17
* Go see the play tonight!!!


For Monday, 11/5:
* Read “You Can’t Take It With You,” p. 17-41
For Tuesday, 11/6:
* Read “You Can’t Take It With You,” p. 41-50
* Final draft of paper due.
For Thursday, 11/8:
* Read “You Can’t Take It With You,” p. 50-63
For Friday, 11/9:·
* Finish “You Can’t Take It With You,” p. 64-80.
* Reading Quiz on "You Can't Take It With You."
* Be prepared to write an end-of term comment in class.