Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Assignment Schedule

Tom Morgan’s F BLOCK Spring Syllabus
Introduction to Literature, Spring 2008

This syllabus is subject to change!
** NOTE: All question answers must be posted on your individual blog sites. These answers may not be emailed to me or written out.

***** WEEK #1 **********************************************************
For Tuesday, 4/1:
* voc. pix
*Read “Dulce et Decorum Est,” pp. 6-7; write the answer to #2
*Read “When in Rome,” pp. 33-34; write the answer to #1

For Thursday, 4/3:
*Read “Mirror,” p. 35; make a list to answer #2
*Read “Is My Team Plowing?” p. 29; write the answer to #3

For Friday, 4/4:
*Read “A Study of Reading Habits,” p. 25; write the answers to #1 and 2.

***** WEEK #2 **********************************************************
For Monday, 4/7:
*Take the poem that you have picked out and break it down as we discussed in class. Post your breakdown on your blog site.
READER: Will (Read the poem you are writing your paper on)

For Tuesday, 4/8:
*Read “A Pathedy of Manners” pp. 44-45; write the answer to #4
*Read “Cross” pp. 48-49; write the answer to #1

For Thursday, 4/10:

* Rough Draft of Paper #1 DUE

For Friday, 4/11:
*Read “We Real Cool,” p. 188; write the answer to #3.
*Read “Richard Cory” pp. 397-398 ; what are the reasons for why Richard
Cory does what he does at the end?
*Read “Good Times” p. 349; how are this family’s good times different from
the good times your family has? Explain.
READER: Stephen

***** WEEK #3 **********************************************************
For Monday, 4/14:

For Tuesday, 4/15:
*voc. pix
*Read “Meeting at Night” p. 56; draw and color the scenes described in this poem
*Hazel Tells LaVerne” pp. 141-142; write the answer to #3.
READER: Monica

For Thursday, 4/17:
*Read “Those Winter Sundays” p. 64; write the answer to #4.
*Read “Woman Work” p. 188; write the answer to #3.

For Friday, 4/18:
*Read “Out, Out -,” p. 136; break the poem down according to the eight steps. Be sure to name the overall affect of the poem and explain how the reader acheives this affect.
READER: Alex -- be ready do defend your thesis.

***** WEEK #4 **********************************************************
For Monday, 4/21:
*VOCAB. #2
*Read “Bereft” p. 71; write the answer to #1.
*Read “The Hound” pp. 70-71; break the poem down according to the eight steps. Be sure to name the overall affect of the poem and explain how the reader acheives this affect.
READER: Aaron -- be ready do defend your thesis.

For Tuesday, 4/22:
*Read “Dream Deferred” p. 87; write the answer to #1.
*Read “Song of the Powers” pp. 74-75; write the answer to #4.
READER: Griffin

For Thursday, 4/24:
*Read “To His Coy Mistress” pp. 86-87; write the answer to #3.
READER: Monica

For Friday, 4/25:
*Read “The Victims,” pp. 385-386; explain exactly who the victims are in this
poem and how you know.
*Read “Toads,” p. 82-83; write the answers to #4 and 5.

***** WEEK #5 **********************************************************
No classes Monday b/c of Family Weekend
For Tuesday, 4/29:
*Read “Barbie Doll” pp. 117-118; Make note of all figures of speech that you can find. Post these on the blog.
*Read “Ozymandias” p. 121; Break down poem. Post on blog

For Thursday, 5/1:
*vocab. pix
*Read “The Chimney Sweeper” pp. 119-120; write the answer to #1.

For Friday, 5/2:
Breakdown your poem. Then fill out "Thesis Statement Progression" sheet.

***** WEEK #6 **********************************************************
For Monday, 5/5:
*Read “Incident,” pp. 115-116; write the answer to the question on p. 116.
*Vocabulary Quiz #3

For Tuesday, 5/6:
*First Paragraph of paper with Topic sentences for body paragraphs

For Thursday 5/8:
*TEST on Poetry Unit

For Friday 5/9
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 31-43 (Thru Act I, Scene 3)

***** WEEK #7 **********************************************************
For Monday 5/12
*Paper due

For Tuesday 5/13
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 44-59 (Thru Act I, Scene 5)

For Thursday 5/15
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 65-79 (Thru Act II, Scene 3)
Griffin, Aaron, Alex pick out a passage to discuss

For Friday 5/16
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 80-94 (Thru Act II, Scene 5)

For Saturday 5/17
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 99-110 (Thru Act III, Scene 2)

***** WEEK #8 **********************************************************
For Monday 5/19
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 111-129 (Thru Act III, Scene 4)

For Tuesday 5/20
* Final Draft of paper due

For Thursday 5/22
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 135-145 (Thru Act IV, Scene 3)

For Friday 5/23
*Read Twelfth Night pp. 151-167 (Thru END)

***** WEEK #9 **********************************************************
For Sunday 5/25
*Review Session for exam

For Monday 5/26

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